Monday, May 10, 2010


To: "Chet Chidester" ,,,,,,,,,, "Enriquez Lara" ,

After my time in the hospital, when my soul mate came to my rescue, I realized that my so called 'mental illness' was caused by my real life experiences in corporate America. (I had a group of people come into my home from META Services and one of them was Carla, my peer support specialist.......... she was wonderful.) Anyways, I used to 'rock' and hold my Elmo........ not sure why but it comforted me. hmmmm anyways here's some of my story telling of my experience w/myelmo.

Chris Brown and Elmo dance to Beat It

The above video reminds me of my time working at Hologix. I had a tape of Beat It by MJ and I played it most mornings while I was dressing for work. This particular morning I had feelings that some thing big was going down at work. (Funny thing after listening to the song before walking out the door....... the song was playing on the radio in my truck when I started the truck.) My first thought was I needed to get hell out of Hologix (Beat It outta there) as my superior was acting really psychotic.

I ended up going into an out service class for a week soon after this. (I actually shared with the nurse on my intake my thoughts about the song and it's indication that the 'Shit was gonna hit the fan'. She just laffed and shared with me I was a breath of fresh air as usually on Friday nites she only talked with drunks and druggies.......... We laffed and I went home only to come back on Monday to start my classes. As it turned out I had a wonderful week of helping folks and learning that I wasn't the only one in the boat.

BTW, when I walked in the first day, the nurse that set me up said she thought I was there for a job interview.

Published: May 7, 2003

Dear TeenHealthFX,
When I try to sit still, a lot of the time I start rocking back and forth...I guess it could be from my underlying psychological/mental health issues or something...What's wrong with me?
Signed: Rocking Back & Forth-Underlying Psych Issue?

Dear Rocking Back & Forth-Underlying Psych Issue?,

It is true that rocking can be a sign of mental health issues. However, it can also just be a nervous habit, something you do when you feel fidgety or restless. Next time you catch yourself rocking, you might try asking yourself how you feel - are you feeling restless, like you have some extra energy that needs burning off? Or do you feel nervous or uncomfortable, like there is something else going on that is causing your rocking? Rocking can be soothing when one is feeling upset.

If you do feel that the rocking is the cause of a problem, you might try talking to someone you trust - a parent, teacher, or counselor, for example. Maybe confiding in someone could help you get at any underlying causes of this habit. But FX wants you to know that rocking, in and of itself, is not a sign that there is anything wrong with you.

If you continue to have concerns, you could speak with a therapist. In northern NJ you can call the Access Center from Atlantic Behavioral Health at 888.247.1400 for help in finding one. Outside of this area, you can log onto the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's website to locate services in your area.

Signed: TeenHealthFX

Elmo on The View

Sesame Street Alphabet Song India Arie

Sesame Street Elmo's Song

I love the above song cause Elmo is so willing to share his stuffs his friends.

Children Of The World

FYI, the part of finding Elmo in the back of my uncle's pick-up is true only the names were changed to protect the innocent, the person really was going to use a brand new Elmo for target practice. Also the last part of the excerpt about calling my doctor for help in an emergency is partially true as I had an emergency situation that he blew me off for and recommended me to come in when my next appointment was scheduled which was in 3 weeks. (Real caring shrink, eh?)
EXCERPT from my book:

Kendra put the book back in the drawer and turned off the lights. She hugged her stuffed Elmo and
closed her eyes. It had been a tough day and it wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

”Kendra, wake up, what is Elmo doing on the floor?” Kendra’s mom asked with a grin.

”Ma, give me Elmo. You know those big ol eyes of his poke me sometimes in my sleep.”

”Well sweet angel of mine, why do you insist on sleeping with him?”

”Don’t you remember how I found him in the back of Uncle Fred’s truck?”

”No honey, I don’t remember that story. Do you want to remind me?”

”Mother, for crying out loud, can’t you remember anything? I’m sorry Mom. Mom, I’m sorry, please
don’t cry. I forget sometimes.”

Kendra jumped up from bed and gave her mom a big hug and brushed away the tear.

”Mom, I’m just a kid, remember, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I forget sometimes about it.
You always seem so smart and when you forget things, it seems funny.”

”Ma, do you forgive me?”

”Ok, one day, I was over at Uncle Fred and Aunt Carol’s. I was getting ready to get in the car with
dad when I saw Elmo, still in the package in the back of Uncle Fred’s truck. I asked him what Elmo
was doing there.”

”Uncle Fred looked at me and laughed and told me he was there for the next time he went to target
shoot. He told me he was going to use Elmo for target practice.”

”I just put the package down on the seat of the truck and gave Uncle Fred a big hug and asked him
if I could please take Elmo home.”

”Do you remember now Mom?”

”Yes, honey, now I remember.”

”You better get going, your dad is running late and he wanted to talk to you this morning.”

”I’ll hurry Momma, I already know what I’m going to wear today. It looks a little like one of the
outfits one of the robots had on in that fashion show last night.”

”Tell Dad I’ll be right there.”

”Claire, is my dad there,” Kendra asks of the receptionist at FBI headquarters.

”Claire, if I could get him on the cell phone..... GET ME MY DADDY damn it!”

”I don’t care, get him out of the damn meeting and do it now, it’s an emergency. Claire, I’m sorry,
I need daddy and I need him NOW.”

”Daddy,” Kendra is crying, ”do you know where Mom is? Daddy, I think she’s going to kill herself.
Daddy, just come home I’m going out and see if I can find her. Daddy, do you have a gun in the
house? DO YOU OR DON’T YOU?”

”Just come home, I’ll find her by myself.” Click.

”Mom, are you here? Mom, where are you? Mommie, wake up. Mommie, please wake up.”

Kendra picks up the phone and dials 911.

”I need help, sniff, sniff, ”I think my mom is going to die, she’s out cold and I can’t wake her
up. Yes, it’s 110769 Thomas Drive, I’m out by the greenhouse. Yes, she’s still breathing but it
seems shallow. NO, I’m with her now and I’m shaking her.”

”She’s on medication for depression. No, I don’t know the name of the drug.”

”Can’t you just get over here now? Oh, ok, they are already on their way. OK, I hear a siren now,
ok, thanks.” click.

”This way, she’s out by the greenhouse in the lounge. Yes, I’ll see if I can find the bottle. No,
I don’t know. All I know is I found this note on the computer. That’s when I started to look for
her. Yes my dad is on his way.”

”Miss, could you just step aside and we’ll see what we can do.”

”Yes, vitals are good. Yes, she seems to be breathing fine, a little shallow but I think she’s ok.
Yep, ETA, seven minutes. We’re on our way.”

”Miss, do you want to go along with your mother?”

”I think my daddy just drove up and if he did, we’ll follow, ok?”

”Jim, grab the printout of the note and bring it with us. Miss, can I have the bottle please, is
there anymore?”


”Insight Into Insanity All the things I learned growing up VOID
Rearranging my thought processes to include Change Constant and continual Change.

MY Mother Cancer What Cancer? Yes Radiation.

MY Father What Chemotherapy What? Medication is worse than the disease If the disease doesn’t kill
me the medication will!

They won’t take their child to the doctor. Natural is better. Put them in jail. Doctors know best.

RACING THOUGHTS - doctor patient conversation

*Take this drug.

*NOOOOOOOO, I won’t.

*Take it or you won’t get the care you need to survive.

*Noooooooooo, I won’t.

*Fine then, be damned.

*Alright I’ll try it, NO it makes me sick.

*You didn’t give it time.

*It made me vomit

*Take it, give it time, and if it still doesn’t work…… We’ll try another.

*OK, I’ve been on it a month and I vomit every day.

*OK, let’s try this one.

*OK Doctor, I have a rash

*Come to my office in three weeks.

*What about help till then?

*Take the drug I gave you and I’ll give you an anti rash drug too.

*Doctor, I’m going to get fired, the meds you gave me make me sleep and I cannot get up. (How many
times do I have to do this to find the right one, how many times does my family have to endure this?
Doctors are jerks and I wish he’d get hurt so he knows how it feels.. I wish he’d have to have
medication that some dumb doctor gave him, I wish someone understood.)

*Two days later. Doctor, I had to go to emergency


*My heart hurt.

*It’s in your head. Cut the dosage in half. I’ll call the pharmacy.

*Doctor, I can’t sleep.

*It’s only a week till your appointment.

*Doctor. Doctor. Answering machine.

*Doctor, I couldn’t wait the week. The vomiting, the rash, the insomnia, MY HEART? BANG!!!!!!!

NOTICE**** This is real and people really do want someone to help them when in this situation.

Abraham Biggs Memorial

Abraham Biggs Commits Suicide on Web Huffingtonpost Article

Abraham Biggs News Video

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